Fallbrook Vintage Car Show – Motorcycle Registration
Motorcycles can enter at 7:00 AM. All vehicles must be parked by 9:30 AM and remain parked until the
end of the show at 3:00 PM.
Pop-ups, covers and umbrellas are not permitted on Main Avenue or the side streets.
Driveways and lanes must remain open for the show visitors and emergency vehicles.
Outside alcoholic beverages, drugs, and dogs are prohibited at the event.
Motorcycles will be parked in the order in which they arrive. If you want to park next to someone, you must
arrive together, no spaces are saved!
Hold Harmless Agreement: By registering you understand and agree to indemnify and hold
harmless the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, the A.A.C.A., the County of San Diego, their respective
officers, staff, volunteers, and agents against any and all claims arising from or in connection with
participation in the event. Further, each entrant, participant, or accompanying guests expressly agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless all of the foregoing entities, firms, persons, and bodies of all liability
occasioned or resulting from the conduct of the entrants or any participant assisting or cooperating
with the entrant and under the direction and control of entrant.
Permission is granted to use any photos or videos taken at the event for publication or advertising.
Registering for the Fallbrook Vintage Car Show implies agreement with the above Hold Harmless Agreement.
You will receive Confirmation Information via e-mail or US Mail.
For registration questions contact: registration@fallbrookvintagecarclub.org
Go to the FVCC Information Booth to get your Car Show Poster here.